Teaching Assistantship at UF

I am currently acting TA to ESC1000 (Introduction to Earth Sciences — Classroom) for the Fall 2023. Students are welcome to address their inquiries and schedule appointments via email (Canvas) or stop by Room 253, Williamson Hall.


"A Scientist in Every Florida School" (or SEFS) is an outreach initiative intended to promote science in public schools across the state of Florida. PhD candidates, college professors, and researchers in STEM joined their efforts offering free science lectures.
As a firm believer in equal opportunities and inclusivity, my classes are offered (and will always be) in English and Spanish. My teaching material is aligned with the Earth Science topics requested at the SSA (Statewide Science Assessment) of the State of Florida.

Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics (La Convección en el Manto de la Tierra y las Placas Tectónicas

Class themes: the layers of the Earth, silicate minerals and their importance in the crust and mantle, basics of seismic discontinuities, basics of tectonic plates, mantle convection, basics of the Earth's core, continental drift vs theory of the tectonic plates, plate margins. Contains pop quizzes & class questions.

Temas de la clase: las capas de la tierra, los minerales silicatos y su importancia en la corteza y manto, conceptos básicos sobra las discontinuidades sísmicas, conceptos básicos sobre las placas tectónicas, convección en el manto, conceptos básicos sobre el núcleo de la Tierra, deriva continents vs teoria de las placas tectónicas, límites de placa. Contiene pop quiz y preguntas para el salón.


Room 253
241 Williamson Hall
1843 Stadium Road
Gainesville, FL 32611